måndag 1 september 2008

The new Wrathgate cinematics

So this is what will play, together with a movie, when you destroy the Wrathgate and get access to Ice Crown Glacier (I think). But it seems like the Forsakern will release a new plague, and some people are goign emo about it at the end. But most important, Bolvar is alive and kicking in Northrend!

Highlord Bolvar! Thank the Light!
For Lordaeron!
For the Alliance!
Back, you mindless wretches!
Fight on, brothers!

Rise up, sons of the Horde!
Blood and glory await us!
Lok'tar ogar! For the Horde!

I was wondering if you'd show up!

I couldn't let the Alliance have ALL the fun today!

Arthas! The blood of your father, of your people, demands justice!
Come forth, coward, and answer for your crimes!

You speak of justice?
Of cowardice?
I will show you the justice of the grave and the true meaning of fear.

Enough talk! Let it be finished!
You will pay for all the lives you've stolen, traitor.

Boldly stated, but there is nothing you can--

Did you think we had forgotten?
Did you think we had forgiven?
Behold, now, the terrible vengeance of the Forsaken!


Death to the Scourge! And death to the living!

Fall back!

This isn't over.

Now, all can see this is the hour of the Forsaken.

We're finished.

No escape...

for any of us.

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