fredag 12 september 2008

Tankadin talent breakdown

I found this on ze interwebz.

1H spec -- simple, 10% threat boost, 2% per talent point
HotR -- also easy, .0765/(1-.0765) = 8.3% boost for 1 point
Seals of the Pure -- 3.3% threat boost, .67% per talent point
Reck -- 1.1% threat boost (white damage only), .37% per talent point
Redoubt -- 6.6% threat boost, 2.2% per point.
Shield of the Templar -- 7.4% threat boost, 2.46% per point.
Imp Ret Aura -- 1.1% threat boost, .55% per talent point
Imp Judgment (assuming no cooldown conflicts) -- 2.2% increase, 1.1% per point
Conviction (assuming 0% base crit, which will slightly overestimate) -- 2.68%, .54% per talent point
Combat Expertise (crit only) -- 3.2% boost, 1.07% per point

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