lördag 27 september 2008

Nerf Varien

Bolvar and Saurfang Jr. seemed pretty friendly during the fight, doing the whole "Legolas and Gimli" thing. Heck, they acted like they'd been campaigning together for years. And Bolvar looked really pissed when Arthas killed Saurfang Jr.

But now, Varien's going to waste time and resources attacking the Horde again. Most likely Kil'jaeden's plan from the beginning. He sacrificed Varimathras just like he did Mal'ganis. Maybe Varien will get a nice new sword for the War from a mysterious benefactor too?

Of course, that's if any of the other faction leaders listen to him, he's a bit out of touch. He goes on with his "I was a slave gladiator to the Horde" rant, oblivious to the fact that Thrall had to deal with that since he was like 5yrs old. And he did have a master who healed his wounds like Rehgar Earthfury. No, Thrall got Blackmoore with his "Good, you won the match. I'll only beat you into the ground once today! Aren't you happy!".

Entire Battle for the Undercity quest, in the end the SW king storms in and try to attack the Horde, but Jaina stop the madness and teleport the king and his bodyguard back to SW. That makes be think about Jaina, she will play a big part in the Wotlk lore. Jaina, Tirion, Varien, Thrall. Big roles indeed.

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