torsdag 11 september 2008

Godly talents

Blizz just finalized the Ptorection tree revamp, omgomg it's uber now.

  • Divine Plea changed so that you gain 25% of your total mana over 10 sec, but the amount healed by your spells is reduced by 50%
  • Shield of Righteousness now deals holy damage equal to 240% of your block value. (Up from 200%)
  • Righteous Defense is now a 10 sec cooldown.
  • Hammer of the Righteous (Tier 11) now causes 120% weapon damage as holy damage, but no longer "causes a high amount of threat".
  • Shield of the Templar (Tier 10) changed to increase the damage of your Holy Shield, Avenger's Shield and Shield of Righteousness spells by 10/20/30%.
  • Avenger's Shield (Tier 9) now deals more damage and is instant cast. (All ranks)
  • Guarded by the Light (Tier 9) now reduces spell damage taken by 3/6% and reduces the mana cost of your Holy Shield, Avenger's Shield and Shield of Righteousness spells by 15/30%.
  • Divine Plea changed so that you gain 25% of your total mana over 10 sec, but the amount healed by your spells is reduced by 50%
  • Combat Expertise (Tier 8 ) changed to 3 ranks, increases your expertise by 2/4/6, and total Stamina and chance to critically hit by 2/4/6%
  • Holy Shield (Tier 7) now has 8 charges, but no longer causes additional threat.
  • One-Handed Weapon Specialization (Tier 6) now increases damage you deal with one handed weapons by 2/4/6/8/10%.
  • Spell Warding removed from the talent tree.
  • Reckoning can now proc off a blocked attack.
  • Blessing of Kings moved to Tier 1. It now increases all stats by 2%. (Previously 10%)
  • Improved Blessing of Kings is a new Tier 1 talent that increases the effectiveness of Blessing of Kings by an additional 2/4/6/8%.
  • Shield Specialization removed from the talent tree.
  • Redoubt moved from Tier 3 to Tier 8. It now increases your block value by 10/20/30% and damaging melee and ranged attacks against you have a 10/20/30% chance to increase your chance to block by 10%. Lasts 10 sec or 5 blocks.
  • Anticipation moved from Tier 1 to Tier 2.
Our Shield Slam now deals 240% of the BV instead of 200%, untalented, talented it deals like 270% of the BV, now that is imba, eat that Warriors. They also put Kings in the top of the tree so the Holy and Retridinscould access it so we Tankadins can buff with Sanc instead. Merged Redoubt and Shield Spec, a very needed change!

Well, they somewhat nerfed our stamina scaling (16.6% > 10%) but it was needed, it would scale to a insane level when we got T8 and above. Guaded by the Light also add a 6% mitigation to spells, much welcome. A instant Avenger's Shield is also nice for more burst on bosses.

But most imba is the new Divine Plea. It now work like Bloodrage. It's on a 1 min cooldown and restore 25% of the total mana over 10 seconds. But during that it also decrease the amount healed by 50%, but who cares?

With all those new talentchanges it's been easy to pick a build. The protectiontreee almost looks naked now. I think I'll go with this build. Anyway, I forgot to mention a imba Glyph for tanking, so here it comes;

Glyph of Seal of Vengeance - Your Seal of Vengeance or Seal of Corruption also grants 10 expertise while active.

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