tisdag 2 september 2008

Beacon of Light looks very good so far

Selecting the tallent gets you four spells in your book. Two are broken and do nothing, but apply buffs that have infinite duration. One casts a heal for 1 (crits for 2) on your target, costs no mana, and does not trigger the GCD. It doesn't actually do much, but it's funny as hell to watch SCT.

The actual functional spell, Beacon of Light, casts a 60 second buff on your target, and grants an "aura" buff with no duration to everyone else in range. Healing anyone with the aura copies the heal to the player with the timed buff. As mentioned, it seems to be effective healing only.

There is no cooldown on BoL. You may flag two or more beacons at the same time. Doing so puts two of the "aura" buff on everyone in the group. However, the "bounced" heals do not continue to bounce. Only the actual direct heals chain, though they WILL go to all beacons.

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