måndag 25 augusti 2008


Maybe I should introduce myself...

I´m a Paladin named Andox, usually Protection that play in a guild on the EU server Neptulon. Right now I´m Ret, since we just chill until Wotlk will hit, most of this blog will discuss Wotlk because it´s party in my pants as soon as something new is published on mmo-champion.com.

In Wotlk I will play Protection, it´s the specc I enjoy the most.

Maybe some history would be nice. I began to play WoW at the release day. Or well, I bought it on the release day here in Sweden, but I didn´t play until the next day, you old schoolers remembers that the servers went down instantly when it released. I created this character, played as Ret. I was on Warsong, or shouldI say Russong. So I migrated with some mated to Shattered Hand, there I lvled up to 60 and then I migrated again, to Neptulon.

I played Ret all the time, mostly BGs while I tried to rank up to rank 14 and some random instances. This was the time of the autoattackadins. You had 5 paladins for UBRS,"Ok, so who will heal?". Just before TBC came I joined a friendly guild named CryBaby Raiders (RIP), I lvled in TBC with them as Ret. On lvl 70 I realized how useless Ret was (before all the buffs) and specced Prot. Wow. What a specc. I was able to steamroll the normal instances with ease, and also tank some of the heriocs with a skilled group, before all the heroic nerfs.

I started with KZ, went to Gruul and tried Magtheridon. Crybaby Raiders disbanded, some people didn´t share the goals with us other. So a core group joined the guild HellFrost. We owned. Steamrolled through SSC and TK. Little struggle on Vashj and KT, but they went down. So did our MT aswell on KT, so I tanked him the last bit of the fight.

We even got into Hyjal and BT, easymode. Til we got to Archimonde, he was a bitch. At this time, I went for a vacation. When I came back, summer summer summer. Guildkiller anyone? The new guild Scorched was formed, with the best players from HellFrost. We are a guild that will begin with raiding in Wotlk. Pretty much rush up and try the new 10- and 25-mans.

So, there you have me. A hot and sexy Swedish guy, that play a hot and sexy Paladin.

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