torsdag 28 augusti 2008

Mana problems solved

I will quote a beta Paladin, about the mana issues. Right now, we have big problems once we outgear a instance, mainly because we tank by spamming Consecration, but still. Oom after one group. In Wotlk this problem is much less visible. Our new main aggrospells, Hammer of the Righteous (Aka. "Hammer" in this post) and Shield Slam use like 150 mana each on level 70, that is really nice.

Hammer also proc seals, so you can seal up with Vengeance and stack it up on three mobs at the same time (keep in mind that it proc on every hit now). That my friends are some really nice threat on groups. And just random tab and cast Hammer and volia, you have a 5 SoV stack on every mob.

This also work with Seal of Light/Wisdom. Seal of Light heals for ~450 in the beta. bangbang, hit Hammer an you got a instant heal of ~1500 - 2000 HP. 6 seconds cooldown, so just spam this if you drop. Same thing with Wisdom. If you outgear a instance just seal up Wisdom (The judgement still do damage, a new feature in Wotlk) and you get a full manapool in no time.

Anyway, as you can see, I easily loose track on what I write, maybe you´ve seen this on the forum (walls of text) and in game. But hell, who cares, I love to write. But as I said, here is the quote.

IMO, prot mana issues are almost non-existent at this point. Even if we're tanking a 5-man we overgear, our new abilities make for a much less mana-consumptive experience. If you're still tanking by spamming consecration, yeah you're going to go oom. But with HotR + SoV, I can keep aggro on a pack of mobs easily enough without blowing all my mana every pull. Wisdom is my new go-to judgment, which makes things even easier.

I recently tanked Utgarde Keep in full T5/badge gear, with a 73 pally, and 3 69/70 DKs, and during the whole run I only drank once, and used divine plea maybe twice. I was consistently able to pull the next group while my dps was finishing off the last mob.

Divine Plea is like Evocation.

Divine Plea
Channeled5 min cooldown
While channeling this spell, you gain 50% of your total mana over 6 sec

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