torsdag 28 augusti 2008

Great tanking ring

Oh yes, a very nice ring with lots of Stamina, Strength, but most important Defense. Seems easier to hit the defensive cap now, than it seemed like 1 week ago when all dungeon loot wasn´t published. Will be easier and easier the more loot we see ;)

Right now, the in the current Wotlk beta build. If you die in Storm Peaks, you are ressurected on a ghost mount, a flying mount. Would be to hard to run to your corpse in this area, high mountains and deep valleys in that zone. The only purpose is to make the corpse running easier.

And here you get a map over Stork Peaks, so you can see the terrain. You will have your flying mount there, since it´s a level 77+ zone, would be pretty stupid if not. Normal mounting sucks hard in this zone. Also, we get a imba questspeed with our epic flyers there, WOOOOOOOO!

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