söndag 31 augusti 2008

New, improved intro movie

I just chatted abit with the big noobs, Akurei and Baronen on VT. Akurei the slut has a key, and he tried a DK...

Anyway. We thought that the intro movie was fantastic, epic and great. But, it is to short. So my idea is:

In the end, when the Frostwyrm is flying away, make it fly over the continents and to the harbour in Howling Fjord. There the Wyrm will make a fly around, and under it you will see ships. Lots of ships (Matrix ftw!). They will hit the shore and hundreds of Alliance and Horde fighters will storm out of the ships and secure the beachhead.

At the same time, play some speech done by a hero. Maybe Uther or someone like that. Or maybe Arthas, when he said that he would travel to Northrend to find and eliminate the soure of the scourge!

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