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Life of the paladin
tisdag 26 augusti 2008
New tanking blues!
What is it with Wotlk adn Parry? Give dodge for god sake, parry is a expensive stat.
Tanking blade. A bit fast imo, but it good pretty good stats and it looks AWESOME!
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About me
Officer and tankadin in the guild Scorched on Neptulon [EU]
Visa hela min profil
Feats of Strength
Wow, I found a nice site for Rep display
A sandbox site for Wotlk
Utgarde Pinnacle, DK PoV
A short movie with the new BoSanc
Blacksmithing and socket slots
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New Glyph
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BoSanc change is here!
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Wrath of the Lich King preview movie
New design
Lake Wintergrasp
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Useless spellhit
Great tanking ring
Rep tabards
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Another tanking head + new achivements
Tiersets in Northrend
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My planned route
Change in defense
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New tanking blues!
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About the content patch
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I forgot to add about the shield....
New sexy gear!
Woah! They're bringing in the heavy artillery now?
First look at raiding epics
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